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NASCAR Technical Institute

Katy Renard shifts gears after earning mathematics degree, now leading a NASCAR department

UTI and NASCAR Tech graduate Jonathan Sickler is proving that with hard work, anything is possible

23rd Annual Stocks-for-Tots brings in more than 1,500 toys for children in need

Staff and students help to support its community’s families and children in need

With a passion for cars, Mason Barham chose NASCAR Tech to further education, jumpstart successful career

Brittany Weschenfelder represents a new generation of females pursuing a passion for automotive with help from the UTI Brienne Davis Memorial Scholarship Fund

NASCAR Tech students, Spec-Engine Program, help Rev Racing capture first NASCAR title

After receiving a biology degree from Louisiana State University, Taryn Parrino shifted gears and landed at JRi Shocks

Stanfield, Arizona’s Vic Russell turns passion for racing into NASCAR career

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