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June 13, 2013 - Universal Technical Institute Dallas/Fort Worth Campus Offers Family Bonding Tips For Car-Loving Dads

Almost 7 out of 10 male drivers work on their car, truck, minivan or SUV, according to the Car Care Council. Father’s Day is the perfect opportunity for car-loving dads to share their passion for cars with their children while also teaching them how to properly care for and maintain them. Gene Maddox, an instructor at the Universal Technical Institute Dallas/Fort Worth campus, offers tips on ways dads can bond with their kids this Father’s Day.

Show them the basics. What child doesn’t like things that move, turn and make noise? Pop the hood and explain to them what part is what. Show them the dashboard and all the different functions it controls. Let them test out the windshield wipers and honk the horn.

Speak their language. With their constant exposure to cell phones, computers and tablets, kids these days are very tech-savvy and will appreciate all the technological features today’s cars have. Show your kids how the navigation system works or let them plug in their smart phone and play their music through the audio system.

Work on a long-term project together. Use Father’s Day as the jumping off point for a long-term car project you can work on with your kids. If your child will be of driving age soon and is interested in driving a classic model, consider buying the car now and spending weekends working together to make any necessary repairs.

Turn on the hose. It’s no secret kids love water and getting wet. Have some fun with your kids by washing the car together. Show them how removing dirt and grime from the windows and windshields can help keep your family safe by giving the driver a clear view.

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