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May 13, 2013 - UTI-Exton Students Participate in “Drive to Survive” Program

Earlier this year more than 1,000 students from Universal Technical Institute in Exton participated in safe driving and crash awareness seminars from the “Drive to Survive” program. Run by local firefighter Chris Daly, the nationally-recognized program seeks to teach students how and why motor vehicle crashes occur. It addresses key problems that often lead to these crashes, provides an understanding of topics that are essential for safe driving and discusses issues related to underage drinking and impaired driving.

By teaching students the principles of cautiously operating a motor vehicle, “Drive to Survive” sends an influential message about preventing automotive crashes. It not only emphasizes safe driving in the local community, but instills valuable lessons for long-term driver safety. Topics included roadway friction, vehicle dynamics, critical curve speeds and hydroplaning, among others.

Students who participated in the program were able to further expand their knowledge of safe driving by participating in a Q-and-A session with Daly. Upon completing the seminars, each UTI-Exton student received a certificate as proof of participation in the program.

In addition to promoting safe driving within the community, the UTI-Exton campus strived to emphasize the implications that driving responsibly have on students’ professional careers. “‘Drive to Survive’ is a valuable program for our students, not just to learn safe driving tips, but also to increase their chances of employment after graduation with a clean driving record,” said Steve McElfresh, Interim Campus President at UTI-Exton. “We took the program seriously and are looking forward to participating again with more students in the future.”

Daly, a 16-year veteran of the fire service, currently works with the West Chester Police Department and is a member of their Serious Crash Investigation Team, specializing in the investigation and reconstruction of serious and fatal auto accidents. After recognizing the growing problem of fire apparatus crashes, he combined his experience to create the “Drive to Survive” Training Program. More information on the program can be found at

For more information on UTI’s Exton campus in the Philadelphia area, please visit our website and stay connected on Facebook and Twitter.
