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October 15, 2012 - UTI Norwood Turns Out in Record Numbers for American Red Cross Blood Drive

Each year since 2005, the UTI-Norwood campus hosts 4-5 blood drives with the American Red Cross. These blood drives represent one of the many ways that the staff and students at UTI-Norwood demonstrate their commitment to helping the local communities.

The most recent blood drive, held on the UTI-Norwood campus on August 31, had an amazing turnout, according to Jody Najarian, Account Executive with the American Red Cross in Wrentham, Massachusetts. Staff and students made 312 blood donations and 98 of those were first-time donors, representing a nearly four-fold increase in first-time donors.

“The students and staff at UTI Norwood are always willing to donate to the Red Cross,” said Najarian. “So many of them have had a family member in need of blood, or have needed it themselves, so they are more than willing to give back when the opportunity arises.”

For more information on UTI’s Norwood campus in the Boston area, visit our website and stay connected on Facebook or Twitter.
