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October 3, 2012 - UTI-Exton Instructor Conducts the “Torquestra”

Although torque sticks are generally used to torque lug nuts on a vehicle, Robert Venditti – an instructor at Universal Technical Institute in Exton – discovered a new and creative use for them: to make music.

About a year ago, Robert had the idea to use two 13mm wrenches to tap a set of torque wrenches, creating music through his invention, the torquestra. Each torque stick creates a different sound due to its thickness, so the instrument produces a sound similar to a xylophone. After receiving a round of applause from students, he began receiving requests to play and the torquestra took off!

Now, Robert plays at every graduation ceremony and anytime that someone asks. “Music is very important to me,” he says. “I feel very fortunate to be able to make someone smile by performing the torquestra for them.”

Check out one of Robert’s torquestra performances.
