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Sept. 14, 2011 - UTI Makes Job Hunting Interactive for Students

Sept. 14, 2011 - Universal Technical Institute’s Houston campus understands that part-time job hunting can be stressful and time-consuming. To assist students in their searches, the Employment Services office at the campus is taking a new approach to posting local job opportunities on an interactive job board.

Students that are interested in finding job opportunities, whether during their education or upon graduation, can look to view their options, see where jobs are located and then receive assistance to contact the employer for an interview.


Digital “map pins” show the job location on a 32” touch-screen display. Students can simply touch a “map pin” to open a descriptive information box which includes the type of job, its job number and the distance from the campus. Different colors of “map pins” designate the category of the job – Automotive, Retail, Restaurant, etc.


A student looking for opportunities can narrow his/her search by location and category, then bring the job number to the Active Employment Department where a campus staff member will help them contact the employer. The interactive job board has been so successful with students that UTI plans to bring it to their Sacramento and Philadelphia campuses later this year.   
