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July 22, 2011 - NASCAR Tech Students and Staff Volunteer and Raise Funds for Relay for Life

July 22, 2011 - Each year, the Mooresville-Lake Norman chapter of the American Cancer Society hosts its “Relay for Life” event to help raise funding and awareness. This year, as in previous years, NASCAR Technical Institute (NTI) students and staff participated to ensure the event was a success.

The relay is held on a local track and team members take turns walking around the track to represent their team. Teams and volunteers work all year to raise money before this event and the NTI team alone raised $3,300 to help fight cancer.

From security to clean-up, NTI students and staff volunteered and also participated in the relay.

The team’s success is credited to NTI staff member Alicia Johnson, a six-year cancer survivor.  Sandy Rader, one of the team members, speaks highly of her co-worker. “Alicia not only is the Relay Team Captain, but also an inspiration to all of us who volunteer. She is what keeps us all going. She gives back every day without hesitation in her encouragement to our staff and students.” 

Click here for more information about how to get involved with the Relay For Life in your area.
