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March 31, 2011 - Nissan Open House Hosts Dealers from the Greater New England Area

March 31, 2011 - During an event to showcase the new Nissan program at UTI Norwood, local Nissan dealers were invited to participate in three major events on campus. The first event was a UTI Instructor-led Open Nissan Lab, which delved deep into the Nissan Automotive Technician Training (NATT) curriculum. After a VIP tour of the UTI facility, the leaders gave a special presentation to more than 600 UTI Norwood students about the Nissan/Infiniti elective.  Among the topics covered were Nissan/Infiniti career opportunities, the value of credential-driven training, and the Nissan/Infiniti-UTI partnership. The presentation concluded with Education Manager George Sadowski discussing the NATT program specifics and fielding student questions.

“This was a great opportunity to bring UTI students and potential employers together under a common interest,” said Chuck Barresi, campus president for UTI Norwood. “The students could see that there are real job opportunities out there, and the Nissan/Infiniti representatives could meet the talented people who may someday work for them.”

UTI looks forward to continuing to strengthen its relationship with Nissan/Infiniti and meeting the demand for qualified technicians with our NATT graduates.
